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Legal Informations

Cookie Policy

Laika Caravans S.P.A., with registered office in Via Certaldese, 41/A, 50026 San Casciano in Val di pesa (FI) (the „Company“ or the „Controller“) as data controller, wishes to inform users (the „Users“) about the use of cookies on the website www.laika.it (the „Site“).

Cookies are small text strings that the Site sends to the User’s terminal, where they are stored to be retransmitted to the same Site the next time the same User visits it. Cookies may be first party (set directly by the Company) or third party cookies.

Cookies are useful because they allow the Site to recognize the User’s device and allow the users to navigate through the pages, remembering their preferences and improving their browsing experience. In some cases, certain types of cookies may also ensure that the advertisements displayed online are more appropriate to the User or relevant to his/her interests. For further information about cookies, the User can click here.

Browser settings

By changing the settings of his/her browser, the User may decide to make the installation of any type of cookies subject to his/ her prior consent or to prevent it from being installed completely. Remember that the configuration of each browser is different and is described in the „Help“ menu of the browser. The User may refer to these links to understand how to set cookies:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer

Cookies used by the Site

Pursuant to the provision of the Authority for the protection of personal data „Identification of simplified methods for the information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies“ published on 3 June 2014, consent to the use of cookies can be given in simplified form following the appearance of the banner containing the short notice, namely: (i) scrolling down on any page of the Site, (ii) clicking on one of the internal links from any page of the Site, (iii) clicking on the „OK“ button or on the „X“ button in the banner containing the short notice relating to cookies.

The Site uses only technical and analytical cookies.

Technical cookies

The Site uses technical cookies that are strictly necessary for the functionality of the Site.

Purpose of the cookie

Technical cookies (first and third party)

Name of the service / party setting the cookie Name of the cookie Purpose of the cookie Lifetime of the cookie
Cookiebar cb-enabled Privacy cookie acceptance 1 year
ProcessWire wires Session cookie Expires at the end of the session

The User may disable the first-party technical cookies in the table by clicking on the links provided or the third-party technical cookies by accessing the notices and consent forms of that third party. However, deactivating these cookies may compromise the proper browsing and functionality of the Site.

Third-party analytical cookies

In addition to the above, the Site uses third party analytical cookies to identify the User’s browsing sessions, as indicated in the following table.

Third-party analytical cookies

Name of the service / party setting the cookie Name of the cookie Purpose of the cookie Lifetime of the cookie
Google (*) Stores information about
visitors and pages visited by the user
6 months
For more informations regarding this type of cookie click here

The User may disable third party analytic cookies by accessing the third party’s notices and consent forms.

The User may also manage his/her preferences for third-party cookies by visiting http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices and following the instructions given there.

Changes and updates

This cookie policy is valid from the date indicated in its header. The Company may also make changes and/or additions to the said cookie policy, also as a consequence of any subsequent regulatory changes and/or additions. Changes will be notified in advance and the User can view the text of the cookie policy constantly updated at the page of the Site https://www.laika.it/en.

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